What on earth is Community Supported Agriculture (CSA?)
Community Support Agriculture is a form of agreement between grower and eater working towards the same goal, sharing the same purpose and sharing some of the risk.
The eaters invest in their growers skill to grow their future meals, by paying up from to allow the farmer to invest in the needs of the upcoming season (soil health, seeds, seedlings, wages etc). The farmer returns their investment each week (or whatever has been agreed upon) in kind in the form of produce.
The eaters invest in the health of their local environment, local independent business and future meals - however it’s not entirely without risk. There may be the occasion where the grower may experience an unseasonable weather event/ act of nature and be unable to deliver the abundance desired on the rare occasion.
Vegetables wrapped in reusable cloth furoshiki
On the flip side - when’s there’s abundance (bananas, figs, honey, open tour afternoon tea party, discounts on farm events) the CSA subscribers are the first ones to benefit for their seasonal support.
Here at Popes Produce, our full season is 40 weeks, commencing Thursday 7 October.
Now - the lowdown - what costs are involved?
Each week we’ll provide a quick newsletter Monday - of what to anticipate in the Veggie Wrap pick up on Thursday. They will consist of around 2.5 kg of a variety of 7 different crops including - salad greens - cooking greens - something from the onion family - vegetable - fruit - herbs.
There will be 4 rounds throughout our season -
Round 1; Thursday 7 Oct - Thursday 9 Dec
Round 2: Thursday - Thursday 17 February
Round 3: Thursday 24 February - Thursday 28 April
Round 4; Thursday 5 May - Thursday 7 July
each rounds investment is $250
The full season of 40 weeks will be $1000.
Please understand that our capacity to produce in our backyard is limited, so if you’re keen for part or the whole season - please don’t hesitate to message us.