The reality of being human

preparing the market garden

08 February 2022

It’s really nice to be a human being and not always a human doing.

We place some remarkable expectations on ourselves and often feel like others are adding to that list.

Sometimes you need to cut yourself some slack and work out others ways to get things done - that’s if they are a necessity after all. Especially if you like your sleep and a book every now and again like me.

In the market garden, I take shortcuts - it’s more about outsourcing my weaknesses and bringing in someone else’s strengths. That’s why many of the seedlings are purchased from a professional independent nurseryman. He grows in quantity every single week. For me, to take on this task myself - there are no guarantees I’ll get the germination rate required or in the time frame needed for customer delivery. By working with a professional on this one, I can save myself around 4 weeks - which in turn saves me a lot of stress wondering whether the birds have eaten the seeds, the slugs have eaten the seedlings or whether I missed a watering and the little darlings dried out and perished. I know the quality seedlings I’m working with, they are robust and tasty when they reach maturity.

Be kind to yourself and remember to look around to see where you can source a little help when needed.


Changing perspective


Time - what a weird concept